
寫在Roni Horn之前:愛就像糖果之Felix Gonzalez-Torres與Ross

Roni Horn, Paired Gold Mats, for Ross and Felix, 1994-95
Two pure gold mats
(installation shot)
The Art Institute of Chicago
Gift of Muriel Kallis Newman in honour of James Cuno
© Roni Horn

看完Roni Horn的展覽約一個月,還時時想著每個作品,感想遲遲無法沈澱。

要談Roni前,一定要先講我更喜歡的Felix Gozalez-Torres,這個因AIDS而死的同志藝術家。
他與羅尼是好朋友(就翻譯成羅尼吧,Roni Horn肯定比較喜歡中性點的翻譯,雖然Roni Horn小時候也是有女性化的一面呢。)羅尼這次在Tate Modern展出兩片薄薄的金箔毯子雕塑,就是獻給Felix Gozalez-Torres與他的愛人Ross,如果Felix現在還活著,名聲大概不會遜於Roni Horn,而他的愛人Ross與他先後在1991與1996年因AIDS而死,羅尼創作完這兩片金毯子送給他時,他仍健在,應該相當為這件作品所感動。


為什麼喜歡Felix Gozalez-Torres?要從他的一件裝置談起,他創作過各式各樣、不同媒材的作品,全是為了Ross而做,Ross是他的伴侶、愛人,更是他創作的繆斯,更是他沈重的創作主題,Ross在1991年因愛滋而死後,死亡、AIDS、親密、愛、與Ross本身就是Felix創作的主題。

1991年的Untitled最為代表,名為Untitled,其實是(Portrait of Ross in LA)。這件作品展出時,展場的角落堆滿糖果,來看展的人不僅可以摸,可以拿,還鼓勵他們拿走後吃掉。許許多多的糖果堆成的Ross,是Ross的血與肉,觀眾不斷地拿走並吃掉糖果,糖果逐漸的減少就像Ross被疾病逐漸蠶食而瘦弱的軀體,但也是Felix與觀眾分享曾有過感情的「甜」。


Untitled (portrait of Ross in LA), 1991
Felix Gonzalez-Torres
175 lbs Fruit Flasher Candy, size variable

Felix-Gonzalez Torres and his cat.


Felix Gonzalez-Torres (1957-1996)

In 1993, in lieu of a standard biography/bibliography, Felix chose to write a portrait of himself. This is the Biography that we have chosen to print, which is in the true spirit of this gifted artist.

1957 born in Guaimaro, Cuba, the third of what would eventually be four children 1964 Dad bought me a set of watercolors and gave me my first cat 1971 sent to Spain with my sister Gloria, then went to Puerto Rico to live with my uncle 1979 returned to Cuba to see my parents after an eight-year separation 1981 parents escaped Cuba during Mariel boat lift, my brother Mario and sister Mayda escaped with them 1978 met Jeff in Puerto Rico 1976 Gloria and I moved to our own apartment-small, but full of sunlight 1977 Rosa 1976 met my friend Mario 1979 moved to New York City 1980 met Luis at the beach 1983 received BFA from Pratt Institute 1981 and 1983 attended the Whitney Museum Independent Study Program 1987 received MFA from the International Center of Photography and New York University 1983 Ross at the Boybar 1985 Jeff gave me Pebbles and Biko, two Lilac Point Siamese cats-hardly able to support myself, and now with two cats to feed, only Jeff 1985 first trip to Europe, first summer with Ross 1986 summer in Venice, studied Venetian painting and architecture 1986 blue kitchen, blue flowers in Toronto - a real home for the first time in so long, so long, Ross is here 1987 Wawanaisa Lake: beavers, wild brown bears, Harry retrieved every buoy he sees, New York Times every morning, duck cabin 1986 Mother died of leukemia 1990 Myriam died 1991 Ross died of AIDS, Dad died three weeks later, a hundred small yellow envelopes of my lover's ashes-his last will 1991 Jorge stopped talking to me, I'm lost - Claudio and Miami Beach saved me 1992 Jeff died of AIDS 1990 silver ocean in San Francisco 1992 President Clinton - hope, twelve years of trickle-down economics came to an end 1990 moved to L.A. with Ross (already very sick), Harry the Dog, Biko, and Pebbles, the Ravenswood, Rossmore, golden hour, Ann and Chris by the pool, magic hour, rented a red car, money for the first time, no more waiting on tables, 'Golden Girls', great students at CalArts, Millie and Catherine, went back to Madrid after almost twenty years-sweet revenge 1989 the fall of the Berlin Wall 1991 Bruno and Mary, two black cats Ross found in Toronto, came to live with me 1991 the world I knew is gone, moved the four cats, books, and a few things to a new apartment 1991 went back to L.A., hospitalized for 10 days 1990 first show with Andrea Rosen 1993 moved to 24th Street 1987 joined Group Material 1991 Julie moved from Brooklyn to Manhattan 1992 the forces of hate and ignorance are alive and well in Oregon and Colorado, among other places 1993 Sam Nunn is such a sissy, peace might be possible in the Middle East 1992 started to collect George Nelson clocks and furniture 1993 three years since Ross died, painted kitchen floor bright orange, this book

from:(Catalogue Raisonne Cantz 1997)
